ASID Missouri West-Kansas

Heartland Design Excellence Awards 2024

Awards Program Dates

Awards Program Open
From: October 1, 2024 12:00AM CDTTo: December 8, 2024 11:59PM CST
Rules & Regulations

2024 Heartland Design Excellence Awards Registration


The purpose of the ASID Missouri West/Kansas Chapter's Heartland Design Excellence Awards is to recognize and reward outstanding interior design by our Chapter Members, Industry Partners, University and College Students.  And to encourage and inspire new ideas and showcase innovations in design and furnishings of interior spaces.


Interior Design has a significant impact on the lives of those it touches.  One specific goal our Chapter wishes to achieve through the Heartland Design Excellence Awards Competion is to bring awareness to the general public of how design can improve and impact the quality of their day-to-day lives.


  • All ASID Missouri West/Kansas Chapter Members – Professional, Allied, Associate; Industry Partners and Student Members in good standing.
  • If an interior designer is employed by a firm, he/she must be the primary interior designer on record.
  • For projects submitted by an Industry Partner, only the Industry Partner will be named on any award received. If the primary designer on the project is an ASID member their name will be mentioned upon the presentation of the award. 
  • No projects that have been previously awarded or entered in previous ASID competitions may be submitted.  Projects may be entered in only one category. 


  • Payable via Square at time of registration. Absolutely no refunds will be granted after submission(s) are received.
    • Practitioner and Industry Partner Members: $125 first entry/ $100 additional entries
    • Students: $35 one entry per student


  • Registration Opens: October 1, 2024 - Tuesday.  Register online by clicking the blue "Register" button above. 
  • Registration Closes: December 8, 2024 - Sunday 11:59 pm CST 
  • Awards Gala and Presentation: February 28, 2025 - Friday.  Tickets for the Heartland Design Awards Gala to be purchased separately.
  • Judges: Judging to be completed anonymously by other ASID Chapter members from across the United States.




  • C01:  Hospitality/Commercial/Corporate
  • C02:  Health & Wellness (i.e. spa, fitness center, wellness room, work-out room, break-room, meditation space, spiritual space, yoga space)


  • R01:  Kitchen (Less than 300 sq. ft.)
  • R02:  Kitchen (Greater than 300 sq. ft.)
  • R03:  General Living Space (Dining, Living Room, Hearth Room)
  • R04:  Outdoor Area
  • R05:  Bedroom
  • R06:  Bath (Less than 150 sq. ft.)
  • R07:  Bath (Greater than 150 sq. ft.)
  • R08:  Wild Card Space (i.e. wine cellar, bar, office, theatre, game room, media room, lower level)
  • R09:  Susatainable Design (i.e. LEED, Biophilic, Historical Restoration)
  • R10:  Health & Wellness Design  (i.e. Universal Design, Aging in Place, Wellness Spaces)


  • IP01: Innovative Product Design
  • IP02: Design in Detail: Custom Design (including but not limited to furniture, lighting, built-in cabinets, etc.)
  • IP03: Design in Detail: Custom Fabrication and/or Innovative Installation (including but not limited to wallpaper, murals, solid surface application, etc.) 


  • ST01:  Residential (Interior Design)
  • ST02:  Residential (Interior Architecture)
  • ST03:  Commercial (Hospitality, Corporate, Retail, Tech, Education, Civic, Public Spaces)
  • ST04:  Health & Wellness (i.e. spa, fitness center, wellness room, work-out room, break-room, meditation space, spiritual space, yoga space)
  • ST05:  Product Design (Industrial Design as related to the interior of the built environment)


  • Each entry may include up to ten photographs (with a minimum of one) and up to four hand-drawn or computer-generated floor plans (with a minimum of one).
  • Before and after photos are welcomed.
  • Professional photography is strongly recommended for submission.
  • All photographic images should be a minimum of 300 ppi, max 10 mg and in JPG format.
  • Photoshop may be used for color correction and light editing but NO new objects may be added to the photos.
  • It is the responsibility of entrants to have no-cost reuse rights from the property owner and photographer.
  • Photography and property owner release forms must be completed and maintained by the entrant. If chosen as a finalist, the designer must submit forms to ASID Chapter as requested.
  • Students: Student entries shall include; conceptual/process drawings, renderings, floor plans, supporting product/materials and branding, if the latter is appropriate. Submit your entries in PDF format. For some this may be PDFs of design boards that reflect all of the requirements as noted above. 

ASID MO West Kansas retains the legal right to publish all submissions and the photography will be added to the chapter's permanent photo bank to be used at the chapter's discretion, for the sole purpose of promoting the chapter. 


In addition to photography and floor plan(s), a concept statement of 800 words or less must be submitted on the appropriate form. Please detail the goals of the client, any challenges and how you achieved the design solution. The statement should be written in full sentences and paragraph form.  Separately, also provide a 150 word introduction/summary to be read at the awards dinner. You must also include a statement from the client has to how your design has impacted their lives.

For Students: a design concept statement of 800 words or less must be submitted on the appropriate form. Detail any challenges you experienced and how you achieved your design solution. Include a short introduction/summary to be read at the awards dinner. Include a statement of how you envisioned your design would impact the lives of your intended public/client.

This is an opportunity to help the judges understand specific issues or client requests that you needed to work your design around and the reasoning behind a unique design piece or direction.


The competition will be judged anonymously by another ASID chapter. NO IDENTIFICATION OF ANY KIND IS ALLOWED ON ANY PART OF THE ENTRY, and will result in immediate disqualification. The only exception is the entry form which the judges do not see. Winners will be selected based on criteria listed below. The Jurors will use a point system guideline as follows: 


All Categories – 100 points possible

  • Design Intent (20 points total)
    • Effective Explanation of Design Criteria and Goals - 5 pts
    • Effective Explanation of Challenges - 5 pts
    • Quality and Clarity of Presentation - 5 pts
      • Easy to understand, complete and concise with proper grammar and spelling
    • Quality and Clarity of Photographs - 5 pts
  • Design Execution (50 points total)
    • Overall Design meets stated goals/challenges - 10 pts
      • Design fulfills the project requirements and enhances the human experience - 5 pts
      • Exhibits outstanding or unusal use of materials, detail, products, layout, etc. - 5 pts
    • Solutions appropriate to the stated design statement - 10 pts
      • Craftsmanship - 5 pts
      • Innovative approach to design criteria - 5 pts
    • Creative use of space - 5 pts
    • Functional use of space - 10 pts
      • ADA or universal design principles - 5 pts
      • Space plan functional and reflects concept statement - 5 pts
    • Principles and Elements of Design - 10 pts
      • Cohesiveness of design elements and principles (proportion, pattern rhythm, balance) - 5 pts
      • Elements of design successfully used in the design solution (color, texture, line, form or value fitting) - 5 pts
    • Effective use of Lighting - 5 pts
  • Use of Materials and Color (30 points total)
    • Color scheme and composition - 5 pts
    • Functional use of materials - 5 pts
    • Creative use of materials - 5 pts
    • Appropriate and/or innovative for the space - 5 pts
    • Appropriately sustainable or environmentally friendly - 5 pts
    • Furniture, fixtures and equipment selections used appropriately for the space - 5 pts

Judging Point Scale 1-5:

  1. Sub-standard, imperfect, noticeable problems
  2. Competent, minimal problems, superior product/execution, good design, polished, acceptable
  3. Skilled, insignificant problems, superior product/execution, good design
  4. Exemplary, near perfect, top quality products/execution, superb design, inspired
  5. Immaculate, perfect, uncompromising design/execution, brilliant, extraordinary


All Categories – 75 points possible

  • Design Intent (20 points total)
    • Effective Explanation of Product/ Design Criteria and Goals - 5 pts
    • Effective Explanation of Challenges - 5 pts
    • Quality and Clarity of Presentation - 5 pts
      • Easy to understand, complete and concise with proper grammar and spelling
    • Quality and Clarity of Photographs - 5 pts
  • Design Execution (35 points total)
    • Overall Design meets stated goals/challenges - 15 pts
      • Product/Design fulfills the project requirements and enhances the human experience - 5 pts
      • Exhibits outstanding or unusal use of materials, detail, products, layout, etc. - 5 pts
      • Exhibits outstanding or unusual engineering - 5 pts
    • Solutions appropriate to the stated design statement - 10 pts
      • Craftsmanship - 5 pts
      • Innovative approach to Product/Design criteria - 5 pts
    • Principles and Elements of Design - 10 pts
      • Cohesiveness of design elements and principles (proportion, pattern rhythm, balance) - 5 pts
      • Elements of design successfully used in the design solution (color, texture, line, form or value fitting) - 5 pts
  • Use of Materials and Color (20 points total)
    • Color scheme and composition - 5 pts
    • Functional use of materials - 5 pts
    • Creative and/or innovative use of materials - 5 pts
    • Appropriately sustainable or environmentally friendly - 5 pts

Judging Point Scale 1-5:

  1. Sub-standard, imperfect, noticeable problems
  2. Competent, minimal problems, superior product/execution, good design, polished, acceptable
  3. Skilled, insignificant problems, superior product/execution, good design
  4. Exemplary, near perfect, top quality products/execution, superb design, inspired
  5. Immaculate, perfect, uncompromising design/execution, brilliant, extraordinary


Winning projects will be announced at the ASID Missouri West/Kansas Chapter Heartland Design Awards Gala Friday February 28, 2025. All participants in the design competition are encouraged to attend and celebrate with their design teams, family, friends, clients, industry partners, trade partners, craftsmen, suppliers and contractors/builders.


Judging is based on a 100 point system for individual and student interior design/interior architecture submissions. For industry partners and student product design submissions the top score is 75 points. One award will be presented in each category at each level as follows:

Gold with the highest points and Silver with the next highest.

  • Best of Show INDIVIDUAL MEMBER – this is based on the judges' highest awarded points for a single project. In case of a tie, the ASID Missouri West/Kansas Chapter Board of Directors will vote to break the tie. In the case where a board members’ project is being voted on, they will recuse themselves from the vote.
  • Best of Show STUDENTS -  this is based on the judges’ highest awarded points for a single project. In case of tie, the ASID Missouri West/Kansas Chapter Board of Directors will vote for best of show.
  • Gold Winners -  will be featured in the Kansas City Homes & Style magazine.
  • All Projects Submitted - will be featured in the new "Heartland Design Excellence Awards Gala Program" that showcases your project with a photo and credit. This program will be received and taken home by all in attendance.
  • Winners Brochure - separately, all winning projects will be featured in the Winners Brochure to be handed out in swag bags to all guests as they leave the venue.